Bridge Release Relaunch


November 17, 7PM

Bridge began in the early-aughts and published roughly 15 editions, with fiction, poetry, essays and more. Now, with a small, committed core group, Bridge has relaunched. The goal is to publish a hardcover journal in the tradition of the vanguard pamphlets of previous eras–from Tristan Tzara’s Litterature magazine to Wyndham Lewis’ Blast. Bridge will be a “periodical,” coming out when there’s sufficiently quality material to merit publication.

MISSION STATEMENT: “The original goals of Bridge in the late 1990s emerged from the bedrock notion of interdisciplinarity, of a need to recognize interdependence of art across the disciplines, and to think and combine them where appropriate; we feel this concept has further evolved over the decades. The simple belief behind Bridge is that separate fields of inquiry can and should be thought of as having shared, intersectional horizons. Today, every existing worldview, whether scientific, philosophic, aesthetic, political, or literary must acknowledge its limits or risk being defined as obsolete, unachievable, and incoherent.”

Publisher & Editor-in-Chief: Michael Workman
Architecture: David Sundry
Dance & Performance Art: Michelle Kranicke
Fiction: Jessica Keller
Music: Eric Chial
Philosophy: Mark Tschaepe
Poetry: Avery R. Young
Visual Art: Andrew Schachman

Designer: Bob Faust

Advisory Committee
Jim Elkins
Catherine Gass
Jennifer Karmin
Ann Magnuson
Rick Moody
Buzz Spector

Board of Directors
President Michael Workman
Treasurer Mat Rappaport
Secretary Marie Walz

Founding Supporters
Susan Aurinko, Wendy Bright, Patrick Collier, Janina Ciezadlo, Ingrid Dinter, Catherine E. Hammell, Winifred Haun, Jenn Herman, Katerina Jerenic, Sascha T. Ishikawa, Ayako Kato, Julia Klein, Richard H. Murray, Carole McCurdy, J. Niimi, Elisabeth Stigler & Richard Thomas