On The Cusp



Where are the boundaries between sound, speech, act, silence, metaphor, and the real? Who determines who is “in”, who is “out,” and who is “other”? On the Cusp investigates these and other boundaries. Poised between theatre, music, and movement; between story, song, and act; between mundane, alien, and ecstatic, the four works that are On the Cusp open onto dark worlds of difference and reveal who is “outside” and “in,” where power and agency lie, and how art can further resistance.

Performed by artists with and without disabilities, On the Cusp features Playing God, a new work by Enama based on the poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks, with additional classic works of the past century including, Tongues by Sam Shepard, Cascando by Samuel Beckett, and The Gas Heart by Tristan Tzara.

On the Cusp is an in-person | live-streamed hybrid event on the cusp of technology and immersion. For the full immersive experience, please bring your WiFi-enabled device capable of playing YouTube video (e.g. smartphone, iPad, etc.) and headphones or earbuds.

SITE/less is adhering to all protocols related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as determined by the city of Chicago, the state of Illinois and the CDC. At the time of this posting, requirements include providing proof of vaccination (or a negative COVID test within 72 hours of the performance date) and masking at all times.

For tickets