This and That


Saturday, November 11, 2023

SITE/less in partnership with Defibrillator Gallery present an evening of performance art

$10 or pay what you can. RSVP.


Wojtek Siwik [Poland] intermedia artist born on the polish-german border in 1999, student of cracow’s academy of fine arts. ambient girl, introvert rockstar, occasional troglodyte. score composer since 2020, music journalist since 2016, straight edge since 1999. fascinated by street folklore and the way it shapes across the different places and identities. likes movies where nothing happens and poetry. dislikes police.

Charlie Arsenault received a Bachelors of Fine Arts with honors from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago in 2018. After completing the Apprentice Program at Defibrillator Performance Art Gallery, Charlie helped facilitate many of their exhibitions including documenting four iterations of Rapid Pulse International Performance Art Festival and performing one of his own works in their show P*ss and Vinegar. Charlie co-founded and co-directed the curatorial collective The Neighbors, where he began making intricate online exhibitions. In 2019 he performed at Power Ouch Performance Festival at Links Hall, a show highlighted by See Chicago Dance. More recently, Charlie has been crocheting wearables for Wolfbait and B Girls as well as drag performers across the City of Chicago.

Sara Zalek is an interdisciplinary artist, maker of situations and curious objects. Rooted in physical investigations of trauma, resilience, and transformation, their work is intimate, raw, poetic. They create learning situations, workshops, and sensing environments to encourage thoughtful interpersonal connections. Zalek performs often in both live and online situations; they most currently took residence at Elastic Arts Foundation, they were a 2015 Chicago Dancemakers Forum Lab Artist, a 2017 3Arts Make a Wave Awardee, and Ragdale Foundation Fellow. The City of Chicago named them an Esteemed Artist in 2022. They have performed and curated performances at the Chicago Cultural Center, High Concept Labs, Elastic Arts, Experimental Sound Studio, Links Hall, Lumpen Radio, DFBRL8R, No Nation, Big Marsh Park, Urban Guild in Kyoto, Japan, and so many more. Through Butoh Curious/Butoh Chicago [], Zalek creates opportunities for positive communication and arts integration through workshops, performances, and conversations about personal and collective body. 


About Defibrillator:

Rooted in Chicago, Defibrillator Gallery is one of only a handful of organizations worldwide with a focus specifically on Performance Art. Recognizing a demand for spaces that adeptly present time and body-based visual art, founder and director Joseph Ravens created an international platform known for bold and courageous programming that aims to provoke thought and stimulate discourse surrounding ephemeral and conceptual practices. An international roving platform, DFBRL8R actively contributes to global dialogues surrounding time-based art and immaterial expressive forms. Presenting projects when and where opportunities arise, DFBRL8R energetically bridges local and global communities while raising awareness, appreciation, and respect for the discipline of performance art.